Building Blocks of Rubble – Six Months Later
About "Building Blocks of Rubble – Six Months Later" Webtoon
Macerie prime was released in November 2017 , a two hundred page volume with the first half of a story that Zerocalcare particularly cares about. Now, six months later, the conclusion comes out, created with the intention of giving a unique reading experience: for the reader, six months have passed, as well as for the characters of the story, who have not seen or talked to each other for six months. they feel. How will the announcement go, to which so many hopes were attached? And the trial against Secco? Has Boar become a father?</p>
Reading history
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Adventures of God Chapter 256 818 |
18+ Guardian’s Work: Hunting Bakery Chapter 97 272 |
[ Romance 101 ] A Guide to Proper Dating Chapter 159 - Afterword 212 |
Wendy the Florist chapter 99 167 |
Live with Yourself! Ch-001 164 |
Settia Chapter 0 -Prologue 125 |
The Wolfman of Wulvershire Ep- 37 - Smoke on the Water (Season 1 Finale) 87 |
I’m In Trouble Because My Husband Is So Cute Chapter 70 58 |
2022-08-22 04:36:36